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How do I create screenshots, like those you see in emails from CPMS, for submitting bug reports and feature requests?

To take a screenshot in Windows, you can use the following key combinations:

- To grab the entire screen and all windows that are open use CTRL+PRTSCN
- To get a single application, window or dialog box use ALT+PRTSCN

Go to an editing program such as Paint or directly to an email client like Outlook and choose Edit -> Paste to use the information you have captured.
If you find this does not work, you might need to refer to this FAQ instead.

Adding to and removing from your screenshot to make it more useful

In programs like Paint you can add highlights, boxes, text and lines, then use copy and paste again to take the imagine into Outlook - or any other program.  This is also usefule for cutting out only relevant sections and disgarding unwanted parts of the capture.

Cropping in Outlook - avoid sending oversized screenshots / additional monitor content

Within an email you are composing, when you click on the image you have included, an additional menu called Format will appear.  Under the Format menu you will find various tools to further adjust the screenshot.  Use the 'crop' tool to avoid sending huge screens of information or unwanted information from any additional monitors you operate.